Christopher Thomas O’Toole–1/15/2020

In Fond Memory of Christopher Thomas O’Toole

A son, brother, and friend

Namárië (Farewell & Be Well)

Christopher O’Toole passed away suddenly on January 15th, 2020.

He was born March 11, 1991 in Augusta, Georgia, but lived most of his life in Eastern Pennsylvania. As the only son, Chris was ever the outlier in a family of feminine oddballs. He was best known for his offbeat humor; full of dry wit, punny wordplay, and seemingly obscure pop culture references. While his blunt demeaner and general aloofness made getting close difficult at times, his enthusiasm during late-night chats brought about a level of connectedness seldom experienced. A pro at quality time, Chris often spent time enjoying sci-fi and fantasy films, anime, video games, fantasy football, and esoteric music with friends and family. He also had a fondness for literary fiction and incredibly obese cats.

Chris attended Drexel University, where he majored in biomedical engineering and chartered Lambda Chi Alpha. He was clever and had hoped to help heal human ailments with microscopic spider-robots. However, his intellectual prowess was more frequently put to use sampling scorching hot sauces and concocting scrumptious foodstuff. He was also an unintentional artist. He once designed a winning apparel print for a college contest. Some of his other great works include his childhood Diary Devil comics, snarky self-deprecating memes, what looks like a ham sandwich, and a pretty nice painting that he gave to his mom.

He leaves behind his mother Robin O’Toole-Zarko, father Thomas O’Toole, older sisters, Stephanie O’Toole and Alyssa Hakunti, younger sister Zoe Zarko, as well as countless friends.

A small ceremony will be held for Chris at Simcox-McIlvaine Funeral Home Inc. (532 East Main Street, Lansdale PA) on March 7, 2020 at 11:00 AM. A memory box will be available for anonymous anecdotes, messages, and memories. For more information regarding the service, contact Simcox-McIlvaine Funeral Home Inc. His cremains will rest with family.

In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to The AbleGamers Foundation. Their mission is to improve the quality of life of peoples with disabilities by using technology to facilitate inclusion within the gaming community; something Chris expressed interest being a part of.

“At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough and what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.” — Limony Snicket

17 thoughts on “Christopher Thomas O’Toole–1/15/2020

  1. Chris, thinking about the times we spent together. The memories on my mind right now are from all the days we spent hanging out on Drexel campus. You always made me feel welcome and included in your friend group even though I didn’t go to Drexel. I miss you.

  2. I remember when Chris and I took a road trip to Baltimore because we watched a “diners and dives” episode of a diner specializing in seafood right outside of Baltimore and we both agreed that we just HAD to go see what all the fuss was about. Chris ordered goulash and I had seafood pasta, both were delicious! On the drive, we laughed as we made fun of the names of towns in the car, chatted about documentaries and listed to Spanish music on the radio. I miss you and wish I did more to show you what a wonderful person you are.

  3. As many of you know, Christopher was an avid reader. Christopher encouraged his friends and family to enjoy ready as well. The family has had memorial bookmarks created in his honor.

    We are asking you to take several bookmarks to help celebrate Christopher’s love of reading. If you find yourself near a public library, please stop inside. Place a bookmark in the jacket of your favorite book. We want people to discover the hidden bookmarks. We can continue to keep his memory alive through one of his most beloved pastimes.

    Our hope is that Christopher will live on forever in books. Help us put his (book)mark on the world.

    Please contact to put in a bookmark request. Thank you <3

    • I found one of Chris’s bookmarks in the manga “Gyo” by Junji Ito, all the way in Geneva, Illinois. As a fellow lover of anime, video games, and books, RIP Chris.

      • Thank you so much for posting that you found one of Chris’s bookmarks. It’s very comforting to know that they are out there in the world. I hope that other people will do the same and post where they find the bookmarks.

  4. I just found out Chris had passed. I’m really sorry. I first saw The Room with him and always think of him whenever people mispronounce “gif”. May his memory be a blessing.

  5. I’m just coming to learn this news today after a Facebook memory detailing one of many hilarious exchanges I had with Chris during my time as a classmate with him at Drexel appeared. I clicked on his name wondering how he was doing, as it had been years since we spoke. I’m crushed. Chris was one of the most genuinely nice and funny people I have met in my life. While I know he had his struggles staying happy and motivated, there was never a time I left a hang out or study session with Chris where I didn’t feel those two emotions. Looking forward to the next time one of our jokes pops up in my Facebook memories, I will treat it as you saying hi and checking in. May you Rest In Peace, Chris

  6. Chris was such an awesome brother!! We made DragonBall Hamtaro videos, played games together like Smash and Super Mario Galaxy, {but I mostly watched him play!} He corrected me when I called King Dedede “King Dede”!, and even semi fixed my 3DS XL when it was corrupt one year, although it didn’t last long so we just formatted it. I looked up to him and I still do. I loved being with him, and I even credit him for my fast typing skills as he did the same! He really was such an amazing, kind, and funny guy. and I am extremely thankful to have had a brother like him.

    I wish him endless peace and love, as I think about him often. I love you so much, Creetata!!

  7. Chris may have been one of the most influential people I’ve ever met during my growing years that I never had the pleasure to meet in person. I spent a lot of my time during high school engaging with an online group of friends, and Chris was one of the central figures in this group. He made all of us laugh, brought us on fun little activities and online adventures and was someone a lot of the younger members looked up to as a role model.

    While he may be gone, I know he’s left a little bit of himself in every person he’s ever met. His humour and laughter were hearty but childlike, and he often swept you away with his fun ideas and thoughts. You’ll always be in my memories and heart, Chris “TheMuffinMan” O’Toole.

  8. I sit here on a Friday night after having a few drinks. I’m listening to an episode of Comedy Bang! Bang! episode and cracking up laughing in a drunken stupor by myself. Normally, I’d contact Chris at this time to inform him of the state I am in, and would surely be met with a clever quip, sarcastic remark, or equally inebriated comment. Unfortunately, I can’t do that tonight. Chris was always a beacon of joy and laughter. The glue that kept our family of friends together with his clever & off-brand humor. Exposing me, and I am sure others, to things they’d never otherwise experience. My first foray into ‘good’ beer was Golden Monkey at the recommendation of Chris. I listen to the Comedy Bang! Bang! podcast to get through the hell of my morning commute because Chris recommended it to me. I talk to people I never otherwise would have because he introduced them to me and welcomed me among the group. There is so much in life I owe to Chris and his unique and wondrous perspective on the world. Words cannot describe the impact he’s had on my life and how different it will be without him. I am sure he’d have a better, more clever, and funnier way to write all of this as well. #junes is always here for you Chris, and I can confidently say that we all love you and recognize the profound impact you’ve made on our lives. Rest easy brother.

  9. I got to know Chris a decade ago, and ever since he was a constant in my life. While our chats were brief at most, we never forgot each other during the years. Our past, our community and our friends were our bond, and many of my days were brightened by his humor. I used to call him my personal online comedian. The memories I have of him will be cherished forever.

    My thoughts are with Chris’ loved ones during this hard time. Rest easy, friend.

  10. It’s been a bit over a week since we learned of your passing, and I still can’t figure out what to put here.

    Well, couldn’t, even.

    I signed back up with Spotify late last night. Wanted to rediscover songs on my own, so I didn’t log into my old account. Wanted to start anew. After some initial calibrating, one of the first things to come on via Radio on the drive home today was Mother Mother. It was the first time I’d heard them in years and I smiled. Pretty much like, god damn it dude, you showed me this band, too.

    And I think that’s why all of us at #junes have been posting something here – there won’t ever be enough words, and there won’t ever be the right words. Beyond Kingdom Hearts, and beyond the cool music you got to share with us, I just hope you knew how much of an integral part of our lives you are.

  11. Chris was a genuinely hilarious and outstanding person. I feel honoured to have known him in the period we were in contact. He was a person who constantly radiated his own infectious brand of fun.

  12. Chris “Sneakers” O’Toole was one of the funniest people I have ever met in my life. When I was unsure about joining Lambda Chi, his humor was one of the things that made me feel right at home. When I was going through some rough times after graduating, he was one of the first to reach out to me and I’m forever grateful for that. My thoughts are with everyone who ever had the pleasure of knowing him. R.I.P.

  13. Steph: Hello, dear brother! What have you got there?
    Chris: Nothing, nothing, you only see air!
    Steph: Don’t be silly, I love you very much! (CRASH) I guess I shouldn’t touch!

    You’ll be in my heart <3

  14. I send my heartfelt condolences to Chris’s family, friends, and loved ones. To Chris, I pray you find eternal comfort, peace, and salvation. I will see you again when my time comes.


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