Diane Lucy McGrath—4/4/2022

Diane Lucy McGrath (nee Toscano) of Quakertown, PA passed away peacefully on April 4, 2022 after a long illness. She was 68 years old.

Born in the Bronx, she moved to Lansdale as a small child and spent the majority of her life in the area. She was the daughter and only child of Louise and Peter Toscano. As a child, she enjoyed swimming and trips to Long Beach Island with her extended family. She was a graduate of North Penn High School class of 1971. She was drawn to the sciences and went on to attend Penn State University before transferring to Temple University’s School of Pharmacy. She made many lifelong friends through her higher education. Most importantly, she met the love of her life, her husband Raymond, while at Temple Pharmacy School. What began as a friendship transformed into a life-long romance that was envied and admired by all. The couple was married at the Indian Valley Country Club in 1978.

Diane began her career as a hospital pharmacist at the Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, PA. Diane and Ray returned to Lansdale in 1982 and settled into Diane’s childhood home where they would raise their family. She started at Doylestown Hospital as a pharmacist in 1982, a career that lasted 33 years until illness forced her retirement in 2015. She loved her career and took great pride in her ongoing education. She always considered her colleagues as among her dearest friends.

Diane was a doting mother to her two children, Raymond and Jennifer. Her middle years were filled with family vacations and countless hours on the sidelines or in the car traveling for soccer and baseball games. She forged enduring friendships through these activities and always brought her camera to capture the action.

As her children grew, so did her family. She loved being Grandma to her two granddaughters, Lucy and Lily, and her grandson, Cyrus. The children were always showered with gifts and treats in true Grandma fashion. She enjoyed making Easter bonnets and going to the Nutcracker with the girls and playing cars and blowing bubbles with her grandson.

Diane loved to travel, ski, garden, swim, sail, cook/bake, sew, and read. She loved her book clubs and always read the book! She could name any plant or flower by sight. She was a fantastic host for Christmas dinners, Halloween parties, and hot tub sessions. She was an avid photographer, and there are innumerable photo albums for the family to browse as we remember her life. She could always be found poolside, under the umbrella, reading or working on a crossword puzzle. Her music taste was eclectic, with her favorites being– to no one’s surprise– the Grateful Dead and opera. Her favorite place in the world was on a sailboat in the Caribbean Sea in St. Barts with her husband, Ray, dancing on the deck under the stars.

In 2015, Diane faced the battle of a lifetime when she was diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma and was given a terminal diagnosis. Through the heartache, Diane continued to fight and thanks to world-class care at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, she ultimately underwent a curative liver transplant on February 21, 2015. Her family is eternally grateful to the transplant team, organ donor and their family.

Thanks to the selflessness of her donor and their family, Diane went on to live for more than 7 years post-transplant. In that time, she continued to travel, including to Chicago for the Fare Thee Well concerts, the Dominican Republic, Disney World, St Barts, Nantucket and Hawaii. Above all, she continued to cherish and love her family, seeing her daughter marry and have her grandson, cheering for her granddaughters on the soccer field, watching dance and music recitals, and seeing plays and concerts with her husband. She was brilliant, beautiful and vibrant, and she will be deeply missed.

She is survived by her adoring family, including her husband Raymond J. McGrath; her son Raymond P. and his wife Tara McGrath; her daughter Jennifer McGrath and her husband Cale Spaulding; grandchildren Lucy McGrath (9), Lily McGrath (7) and Cyrus Spaulding (2); and many more loving relatives and friends. She is predeceased by her parents, Louise (Caruso) and Peter Toscano.

A celebration of her life will be held from 10am to 1pm on April 29th at Simcox-McIlvaine Funeral Home, 532 East Main Street in Lansdale, PA 19446. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations in Diane’s honor be made to the Gift of Life (https://www.donors1.org/give-to-gift-of-life), and that all those that love her consider organ donation.

9 thoughts on “Diane Lucy McGrath—4/4/2022

  1. Ray and family
    My heartfelt condolences for you and your family for the loss of your love, mother and grandmother.
    Diane was an honest, compassionate, genuine and respectful friend and I admired her love for her family.
    I will treasure our memories over the past six years.
    God grant her peace
    Eternal Memories 💙

  2. That’s a wonderful tribute. I met Diane through business but it was impossible she and Ray not become dear friends to us. The tribute mentioned the life-long romance that was admired by all. That was and is certainly true for us. We often talked about how Diane and Ray loved each other. They set a wonderful example for others and for us especially. We will miss Diane very much and will always be grateful that she came into our lives.

  3. Though we would bump into one another at various family events, it wasn’t until late last year that I got to know her better. Easy and interesting to talk to, easy to laugh with, unassuming, unpretentious. It always amazed me how physically slight she was, but how tough, how resilient. I’ll miss the opportunities to visit that we we no longer have. May she rest easy now. Condolences from all of us on the Salko side.

  4. I love you, Mommy. You will always be an enormous part of who I am, and I hope you always knew how much you were loved.

  5. Diane was a loving wife. You could always see her adoration of Ray when she looked at him. I met these two in Killington, VT where they skied with friends and family. They always laughed together. Two peas in a pod. Di was lovely and we’ll all miss her.

  6. What a Beautiful Tribute to an Amazing Lady I am sorry I never got to meet her. Ray….You & your Beautiful Family are in my Thoughts & Prayers during this Difficult time 🙏 ❤

  7. Diane was a dear and cherished friend. It was an honor to have her in my life. She loved her friends as family. She will be deeply missed. Rest In Peace, Di.

  8. Diane was a wonderful person, a cherished member of our book club for many years, and I will miss her. Condolences to Ray and the family.

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