Richard Maurice (Maury) Benbow—1/10/2023

Richard Maurice (Maury) Benbow, 83, of Gwynedd, PA, gently died on January 10, 2023, after a four-year battle with lung cancer.

Maury was born in 1939 to Ruth Lanier Benbow and Richard Charles Benbow in Cedar Falls, N.C. After graduating from Asheboro High School, he attended NC State where he earned a degree in ceramic engineering. He joined Owens Corning Fiberglass in Toledo, Ohio, and by the age of 27 he managed 250 people in three manufacturing operations. He left OCF, became a certified property manager, and after working for other companies, formed his own real estate management company.

Maury was an avid sailor and racer. He proposed to his wife Bonnie after a 3-year courtship, when he finally decided she would be decent crew. They were married in 1975 and have been shipmates ever since. Their children Nate and Samantha often joined them on their sailing/racing adventures. All of Maury’s boats have been named Smidge, because the difference between winning and losing a race is trimming the sails, “just a smidge.” And he did win races – regattas, club championships, the Interlake Nationals, Maryland’s Governor’s Cup (Annapolis to St. Mary’s City), the Caribbean 1500 (Chesapeake to the BVI), and many others with his friends and family crewing. A friendly sailmaker dubbed him “a legend,” and that moniker stayed with him, to his great embarrassment. Maury and Bonnie sailed their HR 43 as far north as Nova Scotia, Canada and spent five years cruising the eastern and western Caribbean, a highlight of which was spending time with the Guna Indians in the San Blas Islands of Panama.

Maury’s many activities at Asheboro High School included membership in the Key Club and the football, basketball, and track teams, but he most enjoyed playing baseball in a community league.  In college he was a member of and held offices in Sigma Nu fraternity, the American Ceramic Society, and student government, to name just a few. Professionally, he was active in the Institute of Real Estate Management. Sailing affiliations included North Cape Yacht Club, Maumee River Yacht Club, Jolly Roger Sailing Club, Lake Hopatcong Yacht Club, Interlake Yachting Association, International Lightning Association, Riverton Yacht Club, Rock Hall Yacht Club, Hallberg-Rassy Owners Association, and Havre de Grace Yacht Club.  Maury and his family were members of Yardley Friends Meeting.

Maury was a kind, fun-loving, adventurous man who displayed the utmost integrity on the racecourse, in business, and in life.

He will be missed.

Maury is survived by his wife Bonnie, children Nathaniel and Samantha, sister Elizabeth Finley, and his grandsons Julian Smith and Elias Benbow Bardi.

A memorial service will be held at Yardley Friends Meeting on January 28, at 11:00. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to Abramson Cancer Center Development, 3535 Market Street, Suite 750, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

12 thoughts on “Richard Maurice (Maury) Benbow—1/10/2023

  1. Bonnie so sorry to hear of Maurys passing. Sorry for the late response but I had just recently found out recently in a conversation with Ron Gall. I know my Dad enjoyed sailing against Maury in Toledo and I enjoyed crewing with you guys at Riverton. I hope you get this note and want to keep in touch. My love yo you and the family. Take care

  2. I was saddened by the news of Maury’s passing. I began working for him at the Bucks County Office Center in 1999, he was very easy to work for. I liked the way he made me feel like I was part of the team there and he guided me through the many situations that arise from day to day. He would invite the entire staff and our families to their home for drinks, hot dogs (North Carolina style) and croquet. He asked me to sail one time on a Wednesday evening and I became interested in sailing after that. I’ve watched sailng videos of the Caribbean and found out what attraction was to that lifestyle. It was an honor to have known him. R.I.P. Maury.

  3. Bonnie,

    Lynn and I are very sad to learn of Maury’s passing. He was a wonderful gentleman. Condolences to you and your family.

    Gordon Black

  4. My dear Bonnie, Sending love and condolences to you and your children on Maury’s passing. It’s been inspiring to meet him through our Peace Corps events, one live and the rest on Zoom. I’ve much admiration for your bon courage and hope you’ll keep sailing! xx Elsbeth

  5. Dear Bonnie,
    We are so saddened by the news of Maury’s passing. We wish we could have spent more time together but the miles were too many. Thank you for the times you shared him with your old school pals. You are in our thoughts and will always remember your amazing Maury.
    Analee and Joel

  6. Mark and I are so very sorry at this news. Bonnie, you are in our thoughts. We will always remember Maury as a kind, smart, loving, remarkable man. We hope to be able to remember him with you, in person, before too long.

  7. I remember Maurice from high school days. I remember him as a respectful and kind young man. He had a wonderfully warm smile.
    I had a feeling he would be successful at whatever he chose to do. I think he went beyond the success I imagined he would achieve. My sympathy goes out to his family. I know he will be missed. Sue (Shelby) Boone

  8. Dear Bonnie, Nate and Sammy,

    I will miss Maury in so many ways- most of all as a good friend, but also as bridge-opponent, advisor, businessman and adventurer. He strove for competence and mastery at everything he did, and usually succeeded. I was so impressed by his sailing record and can still remember many of the harrowing (to me, at least) stories of your time at sea. He was brave up until his final days and struggled mainly in silence.

    Diana and I will miss him dearly, and we send our deepest sympathy to you and the family at this sad time.


  9. Maurice and I served together in Sigma Nu at NCSU. When i was treasurer, he was the assistant. And the following year he took over as treasurer. He was totally dependable, accurate and attentive to the smallest detail. And he was a most pleasant personality to be around. Always smiling and cheerful.

    Alec Purcell

    • Bonnie,
      So sorry to learn of your loss of Maury. It was a joy to get together with the two of you while we lived on Langhorne, PA. Mauy was a great friend in high school as we competed together in sports. He always carried a positive smile and countenance. Nayla and I have been living in Asheville, NC for the last eight years. Blessings on you and your family.
      Sherrill Babb

  10. Oh Bonnie, I’m so sorry to hear this news. Even though I haven’t seen you all for all these years, I will miss him dearly.

    I remember Maury as the dashing, uncle-like figure that I met when I was quite young. He was so cool with his sports cars and tales of adventure. I remember when he brought you to our house (in Newark maybe?) and told us you were getting married. I was so happy for him – and you! It was like a family member getting married.

    And then we re-connected in Toledo when you guys asked me to crew on Smidge. Talk about adventures. I know I talked about my fond memories in a previous email –

    The Nationals at Lake St. Mary’s , prime rib and Butternut Chiffon Pie for a win and Maury telling us we could go back if we won the next day,

    Rudy’s Hot Dog and Maury saying “You should probably get more than one – they go down easy.”,

    The whacky regatta where we sailed against various classes at a lake in Missouri? Did you and I fly there while Maury trailered the boat there? What a strange race – guy on a sailboard and Buddy Eason in his giant catamaran.

    You guys were so nice to me. I probably never properly thanked you for all that you did for me. I treasure those memories.

    I also loved hearing about – and envying – your travels on the bigger Smidge.

    Thank you for letting me know. Maury will always hold a special place in my heart. My deepest condolences to you and the family.


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