Mary Jane Kaelin–7/16/2024

Mary Jane Kaelin with Dick Clark

Mary Jane Kaelin, née Ragen, lived with her heart and faith guiding her every step. She was surrounded by family and friends who will carry on her light in all that they do. She entered the next life on July 16, 2024, in Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania.

Her three children, Roland Thomas, Seth, and Kelly, will remember her gentle and kind nature, her fierce love and generosity, her tenacious spirit, and her effervescent humor. Her laugh could crack the most hardened of smiles. 

Her daughters-in-law, Meg and Elizabeth, know that she cherished their presence, and felt blessed that her sons found partners on this journey. Her grandchildren, Gabby, Felicity, Fiona, Gavin, and Annette, will be reminded every day how much their grandmother loved them, how she wished to see them always. In their very lives, she lives on—through their eyes, through their actions, and in their hearts.

She grew up in Gloucester City, New Jersey, and attended Gloucester Catholic High School. There, she found pleasure on the court playing basketball, but less so on the daily walk to school, which she made regardless of the weather. 

Her fondest memories included spending quality time with her parents, driving with her dad, and taking the bus to Philadelphia with her mom to shop. Her home was always open to extended family and friends, and she carried on the tradition of a welcoming, open heart and home throughout her life.

Her career began as an Inspector with the Federal Drug Administration, and she retired from the Department on Aging in Gloucester County, New Jersey, where she worked with the Meals on Wheels program. An adventurer and traveler at heart, she was, above all, caring, ethical, and brave.

Her greatest joy in life was her family. With her journey to the next life, her family will uplift that joy every day so that she is never gone. She is at peace now with her parents, Mary and Thomas Ragen. 

We are not measured by the beginning and the end. The prologue and epilogue do not define us. We are all that exists in between.

We are the story. 

Hers was an epic adventure and an honor to have shared. Her ardent spirit held the power to move mountains in its quietude, and will never come upon the horizon of death. Her story, her power, her love live on. 

Perchance we meet again, in dreams and in the next life. The next when, the next where, the next why — the next great expanse of time.

Until we meet again, we hold dear the great truth that she cherished: even when we are apart, we are together.

We are each other’s home.

You are all colors, vibrant and clear. We see you still. You are in here. You are the smiles, the memories, the laughter, the sadness, the strength, the hopes, the dreams, the words in, of, and between. You are everything and everywhere, and most assuredly, you are in here. You are burning brighter, loving stronger, laughing louder, holding on tighter. With us. 

Our friend, our grandma, our mom. 

6 thoughts on “Mary Jane Kaelin–7/16/2024

  1. So sad to learn of Mary Jane’s passing. Many great memories of my dear first cousin growing up. Many good times gathering on Market St. in Gloucester. Mary Jane was always a joy to be with. God Bless her and I’m sure Uncle Tom and Aunt Mary are happy to be with her again.

  2. God sends people into our lives.
    Some just pass through.
    Some become forever friends and our family.
    Maryjane is my forever friend – my family.
    We met in South Caroline in 1977 our children grew up together – birthday parties, holidays, gatherings, praying together through tough times and good times. If you needed anything Maryjane would be at your door before you put the phone down. She lived the golden rule:
    Do all the good you can
    By all the means you can
    In all the ways you can
    In all the places you can
    For all the people you can
    As long as you ever can

    She had amazing faith, believed in the power of prayer, in the finished work of Christ.
    Now her soul has reunited with her Savior, and she dwells with the saints in paradise.
    Her effervescent and sparkling spirit will continue to live in her family and in all who had the gift of her friendship.
    My dear and precious friend, God blessed me with you in my life – I am so thankful we had a chance to spend some time together before you went home.
    We grieve deeply. Jay and I love you.

  3. Mary Jane was my 2nd cousin. We had about 13 years difference in age. I had alot of fun at her parents and her house in Gloster city. A lot of toys to play with. My favorite was barrel of monkeys. I remember a car accident near the cherry hill mall. Mary Jane my mom and my brothers. Can’t remember mom wore a neck brace after. It was other cars fault. I think Mary Jane was the driver. Not positive. It was in the 60s. Very exciting day. God bless her. She was a great older condolences es to her children. RIP

  4. Beloved cousin with a big heart and a warm smile. Her house growing up was like a second home to us.

  5. Mary Jane!
    We shared our round Irish faces and birthdays one day apart, our beautiful daughters and their dance classes where we met, our 2 sons and visits between our homes, talking, crying, laughing, and bonded over all the years.
    I am forever grateful to have met you and will celebrate the life you lived whenever I visit Gloucester City, hear laughter, eat birthday cake, and celebrate St Patrick’s Day!
    God bless your loved ones & God bless your soul my friend.

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