Elizabeth “Betty” Martz—9/26/2021

Elizabeth “Betty” Martz, 95, of Lansdale, Pa., died at home, Sunday Sept. 26, 2021.

Daughter of Roy Buller and Pauline (Wall) Buller of Harrisburg, Pa., she was born March 26, 1926.

She was predeceased by her husband, Eugene (Nov 4, 1989); her brother, Richard Buller (Feb 17, 2004), and her son, Patrick, Dec 8, 2015.

She is survived by her son Michael and his spouse Cecilia of Anchorage Alaska, daughter Barbara and her spouse Richard Yost of Lansdale, and by grandchildren Michael, Heather, Elizabeth, Christopher, Pauline, James and Amira, and great-grandchildren Keaten, Jerome, Khamaron, Kalli, Ryleigh, James Jr, and Mikhail.

Betty and her husband spent many summers in southern Vermont where she had a small antique doll shop.

Betty enjoyed knitting, sewing, antique doll collecting and repair, attending doll shows, collecting and restoring antique furniture. 

She was also involved in many volunteer activities during her lifetime.

Betty was very active in Saint Stanislaus Parish.  She was deeply involved in organizing the parish’s Summer Festival, Christmas Bazaar and Penny Auction fundraisers.

Betty was also the first President of the St. Stanislaus Parish Mothers Club now known as the Home and School Association.

She worked for the Parish for many years as coordinator of parish collections.

In the early years of the parish, she started a Sunday school program for preschool age children.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend her Funeral Mass on Thursday, September 30, 2021 at 10 am at St. Stanislaus Church, 51 Lansdale Ave., Lansdale, Pa. The family will receive visitors in Church prior to Mass, beginning at 9 am.

Interment will be at a later date at Indiantown Gap National Cemetery.

2 thoughts on “Elizabeth “Betty” Martz—9/26/2021

  1. Aunt Betty. You were the greatest Aunt a girl could ask for! I remember you arriving with little treasures for everyone when you came to visit. Each one picked out special. We shared a love for the Flag and all things Red, white and blue. As hard and as patient as you were, I never did learn how to knit! Your talents amazed me. I remember my mom opening a gorgeous home made Irish sweater, I was so excited and you said do you want one? And so I do have one that is now more of a treasure than before! Thanks for all you did for me and my family! You were a great example of faith and I know the Holy Spirit was waiting for you. I loved you with all my heart!
    Until we meet again I love you
    Jo (Josephiny in the machiny)

  2. My Dear, sweet Aunt Betty. I Just loved you so much. I always remember you arriving with packages in hand with little treasures, not only for me, but everyone. We shared a love for the Flag and all things Red, White and Blue. You and Uncle Mike, always shared your home in Vermont with us. We loved parties at your house with wonder food and fun. My Dad, truly loved his little sister. You were the strong generation, who lived through so much, but smiling the entire way. I know the Holy Spirit was waiting for you after all the years of you teaching us about Him. You are a Treasure in heaven. I unfortunately, never did learn how to knit, but not for lack of you trying to teach me! I have my beautiful Irish Sweater you made for me, and it is now a treasure more than ever!. I remember my Mom Anne, opening her box with her sweater, and I was so excited, you said would you like one? And so, I have one. Christmas luncheons were such fun, you always brought such thoughtful gifts to us. Thank you for being so sweet to me over the years and being such a wonderful, religious role model and a Perfect Aunt.
    I love you with all my heart.
    Until we meet again,
    jo (Josephiney in the Machiney)

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